Making Use of the Modern Garage
Long ago, garages were built for one car. Then we became two car households, and somewhere along the way, garage storage became a normal thing. This is where we stored bicycles, holiday decorations, and lawn equipment. Today, garage storage is standard for most households.
What do you do when you don’t have garage storage included in the footprint though? Maybe there isn’t much floor and wall space in your garage, but storage is an issue – what do you do then?
Steps in Building New Garage Storage
Well, the ceiling is the limit my friend! We are going to tell you how to build garage storage shelves using the ceiling space and a little bit of the wall space that meets the ceiling.
- Step One: Clean and clear the garage out. If you can’t get the family to help, call over a couple of friends and offer them cold beverages and hot pizza for supper that day.
- Step Two: Sketch what you’d like to see built. A garage with 10-foot ceilings is ideal, but you can work with what you have. A goal is to create garage storage that can hold two plastic storage totes stacked side by side all the way across one wall.
- Step Three: Determine the lumber you’ll need and if most of the shelving will be the same size, uniformly spaced across the wall. If so, you can cut same-size pieces in batches.
- Step Four: Find the wall stud and nail or screw in 2×2 boards horizontally across the wall. Make sure they are level and the same distance from the ceiling.
- Step Five: Next, nail 2×2 board across the ceiling the same length across as the ones on the wall. You’ll need help holding the board while you put screws in.
- Step Six: Now install 2×4 uprights boards into the ceiling 2×2 boards. You can pre-drill the holes first, making it easier than drilling while standing on a ladder. Again, keep checking that everything is level.
- Step Seven: Now attach 2×2 boards across the bottom of the uprights all the way across.
- Step Eight: Cut ½” thick plywood to fit this frame you’ve built and screw them into the bottom 2×2 boards. Use flat head screws so they go into the wood and make sliding things in and out of the shelves easier.
With a little bit of elbow grease, lumber, and screws, you now have garage storage and shelving hanging from the ceiling and fastened to the wall.
What is the best garage storage system?
The garage has become the place where we store things out of the way. Then we can’t find them, so we realize we need amore organized garage storage system so that all this stuff can have a place. Once we have that garage storage system in place, we can actually park our vehicles in the garage! Garage storage with doors is even better so everyone can’t see what we have when the garage doors are open. If you’re not interested in a DIY garage, can storage be purchased and used? Absolutely! Here are a few suggestions:
- Best Overall Garage Storage: Husky Steel Garage Cabinet Set offers several different storage options with a built-in workspace and has both open storage and closed storage.
- Best Budget Minded Garage Storage: Imillet Wall Mounted Organizer is a budget-friendly and ideal for small spaces where you can hang those larger items.
- Best Garage Storage Cabinet: Seville Classics UltraHD Steel Heavy-Duty provides awesome weight capacity with the heavy-duty steel that is garage-friendly. It completely closes up and has locking wheels built-in.
- Best Pegboard: Everbilt Interconnecting Plastic Pegboard, ideal for apartment living where only a few tools are needed. It is customizable, can be added on to and is easy to clean
Another option to maximize the space in your garage is with overhead garage storage that can be lowered. A garage storage lift will let you declutter and organize your garage of all the “non-garage” stuff and leave you room to park your car. This comes with several components that will utilize the space above your car, aka the ceiling. There are some factors that you’ll need to consider before buying a garage storage lift, like:
- Size and Capacity: What are you planning on storing in this garage storage lift? You need it big enough for your plans, but it also needs to fit in your garage. Check the weight capacity of the garage ceiling too, how heavy is the lift and add the weight of what you’ll be storing.
- Materials and Installation: What type of material do you want the garage storage lift made from, plastic or stainless steel? Pricing will be affected by this decision and the lifespan of the lift as well. Steel is the most popular because of its given strength.
What are some garage storage and workbench ideas?
In less than half a day, you can build a workbench for cheap that is sturdy enough for your hobbies or woodworking projects. Add a pegboard above it, mount a bench vise, you’re ready to go! Get the following materials and then follow the steps we’ve provided:
- 1-5/8 inch Drywall screws
- Boards – 2x4s
- 3 inch Drywall screws
- 4 x 8 plywood half inch thick
- The Workbench Frame
Build the frame for your workbench to have a top surface and lower shelf.
- The Legs
Screw four 2×4 boards to the surface frame for the legs.
- The Lower Frame
Flip the workbench upside down and attach the lower frame for the shelf.
- The Work Surfaces
Screw the 4×8 plywood into the work surface frames.
- The Top Shelf Frame & Top
Assemble the top shelf frame and add the top shelf plywood board.
- The Top Shelf Legs
While the unit is upside down, attach the legs for the top shelf.
- Put it Together
Connect the top shelf legs with screws to the workshop bench and add the backer board.

In Closing
If none of these suggestions work for you, there are metal and plastic garage storage cabinets you can purchase at big box retailers or online. If you’re not a DIY kind of person, there are professional companies that can come inspect your garage space, ask about what you’re wanting and what you do in that space, then design a space specific to you. If you’d like more help with garage storage in Haslet and Fort Worth, TX you can reach out to Custom Garage Works by calling 214-494-9068.